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Untold millions have been spent in weight-loss crazes and fat-burning drugs, but it appears a diet high in protein might have the same metabolic effect, according to a study by The Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Researchers gave a group of 12 subjects three different meals: Two replaced about 20% of the carbohydrates in subjects’ diets with either pork or soy protein, and the third lowered the protein content in favor of more carbs.

Researchers then measured subjects’ 24-hour energy expenditures, and found that the pork and soy results showed about a 3% greater thermogenic effect than the carbohydrate diet, with pork producing a slightly greater effect than soy.

More encouraging still for carnivores is the mounting evidence that protein-rich meals lead to a greater feeling of fullness, and therefore fewer calories are consumed.

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publish your blog

Whether you are a blog novice or an expert you will be surely trying to come up with ideas to bring traffic to your blog or site, right?

Blogsphere was once a calm and peaceful enviroment, I remember when I started blogging with Blogger late 90’s, it was just for fun, discovering the world, for me ”traffick” was only the passage of people and vehicles along routes.

Things change and with them everyone of us and the internet that before was only a handful of personal logs now is a universe of people sharing the virtual space.

I dont actually search much for online ”traffic” in these days, never did anyway, no patience or much time to it, but sometimes I am almost obliged to do it unless I wanna lose a client.

And when I do so I try doing it the clean way, no spam and, no abuse, no false promises and the right engines.

Thought I could write a book ”100 Ways to attract Traffic to your blog or web Page” but that I leave for those huge Collection of Useless Clickbank Ebooks on Easily Making Money and what I have, I gladly give for free.

First thing I have to use when I need to attract ”Traffic” to a page is Patience, that I dont have in huge quantity.

Why patience? The huge circle of friends you have till now was built along the time, you meet someone that address someone else to you and that goes on, with a huge difference, virtually, you can travel the world in a few minutes and make even more friends into those minutes, so how does that work for ”trafficking” ?

Start Travelling and making friends: There are lots of social networks around the web, thousands of them to be precise, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, are among the top ones so start your trips from there interacting and showing yourself up a bit wont hurt.

Be natural with people, dont rush to them showing how desperate you are for a hit on your page, be kind and polite, you will see with time you will make real good friends that will also make your network grows large, many of them come and go, you have to be aware of that too.

Visit blogs, forums, drop by a page, say hello to someone and comment…comment…comment, comment naturally on topics of your interest, on topics you have knowledge about to complement the information you just received from the author or simply compliment his good work done on that site, not just leave your web address seated there on the comment box, please, leave your mark.

Every time you comment on a page you will have your web address embedded on your user name automatically (if you happen not know how to do this just come here and ask me, will be my pleasure to give you a hand with that) so when people see your comment, they get curious about your words and then go check on you with a simple click on your name, easy like that and it means more friends and ”traffic”.

Add your web address to search engines like Google Blog Search and AlphaInventions, you can also use search engines as Yahoo, Ask, Aol, Live but once you submit your page to the top ones, the others will automatically show your page on the results cos many of those engines are merely portals.

Use the power the tags, tag your contents, your posts. Tags are your ”Internet Bookmarks” the digital image that helps you to describe a content and allows that content to be found again by searching or browsing, so don’t waste that, use complete tags that will help people to find your contents.

Been there, done that? Dont forget your appearance, use a clean template for your page, good content, clean language, add media, videos, music, widgets, but not too much to keep your visitors dizzy when they first come.

And the last but not least: Post, post interesting contents, do not underestimate your readers and visitors, they must be respected, write according to your taste but think of them as well, what they will like to read or what kind of reading they are expecting from you.

Post everyday, people who like your style are likely to come back more and more if you keep on posting, take a time of your day and write something, for yourself, for them, for who is interested or not. After all, you want some traffic but you also can’t lose your personality and having fun plays a huge role on keeping you motivated.

Now, practice your patience, the seed is spread, wait for the fruits 😉

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July 2009


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