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The cold and harsh weather is knocking at our door but that doesn’t mean we have to care less about our hair than on summer time, winter can also damages our hair almost as summer does, especially when the use of hair dryer doubles as we will never be stepping outside with a head of wet hair in that blustery air.

So for us to start taking care of our hair in winter exactly as we take care of our skin I have researched a few interesting, effective and most important, natural recipes and some of them even used over the years by me and my cousins, so here the two proved most effective with the hair types below:

1- Dried Hair – Carrot, Avocado and Vitamin E Mask:


1 carrot
1/2 avocado
1 table spoon of sweet almond oil
1 tbs of honey
1 cup of natural yogurt
1 capsule of de vitamin E

How to Prepare:
Wash your hair with shampoo before applying the mask. Blend all the ingredients together in a blender for about 5min, separate your hair in small locks and apply the mixture in each one of them from root to tips with a brush or fine comb, when finishing applying all over your hair, cover your your head with a large piece of foil for about 40min. Rinse well after the 40min, apply your preferred conditioner and let it dry naturally. Repeat that procedure every 2 weeks.

2- Oily Hair – Rosemary Spinach Mask:


3 cups of Spinach slightly chopped
2 tbs of fresh Rosemary leaves
1 tea bag without the tea

How to Prepare:

Cook the spinach with 3 tbs of water then blend it together with the rosemary leaves put everything into the tea bag and apply gently all over your hair in separate locks, leaving in for about 30min.

Important: Before making use of any kind of masque do a test on your skin before using it on your hair. That must be done to avoid any kind of allergic reaction on your body.

Have everything cleaned up before preparing any masque, the success of your treatment depends on the hygiene of your materials also.

And last but not least, do not substitute any ingredient on the recipes even if you find it is going to have a better effect.

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Just heard of a new blog and went right by there to check it out and, surprisingly, for me, I could watch a beautiful testimony of a beautiful girl who denominates herself a ”big girl” Well, I dont think she’s that big but the thing is her blog is awesome and I loved it.

It’s a blog full of fun, information and good vibes, showing big girls how to pull through the difficulty of being ”big” discovering from the inner self the ability to cope with ignorance and bringing out the ability to love themselves for what they are.

Being big doesn’t mean you can’t be sexy, sensual, beautiful, attractive, smart, intelligent, elegant, you can have all of those qualities and even more, much more I can say. You are a person, that’s who you are, a person with feelings and brain, a person who can love and be loved, you are a person, not a size, so look inside and find out how wonderfully you can enjoy life, being happy and making people happy.

This is what reading that testimony made me feel and I hope those girls, no matter what happens, do not keep from bringing to us their thought and feelings and sharing with us what only us can feel on our skin, the happily truth of being big.

Thank you Mulherao

Found good ideas for a ”green” Christmas and a pretty easy way to save money with this recession time.

Soda Can Christmas Tree

Cardboard Christmas Tree

Recycled Paper Christmas Tree

Magazines Christmas Tree

Disposable Forks Christmas Tree

Plastic Bottles Christmas Tree

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December 2009


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