You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2010.

Below a selection of 6 of my favorites of Erik Johansson’s work, a Sweden freelance photographer.

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Tasty and Nutritious

Was just chilling at home and suddenly got that hunger feeling craving something sweet, something to warm up my inner like a large cup of hot chocolate or a buttery croissant with nutella, wait up a minute!!!!! I couldn’t have that just now, I can have it sporadically but not after all the damage I made on Christmas and Revellion parties so the least I can do to help my body heal from all that aggression is trying to eat the cleanest possible without losing, of course, the flavor of a good food.

Went then over my cabinets and found a pretty good whole wheat toast with fiber I bought at an organic supermarket near my gym 80kcal, just spreaded a wedge of light creamy Swiss cheese 35Kcal, a tbsp sugar free grape jam, a cup of my hot fresh mint tea just bought from my favorite Vietnamese supermarket with a touch of orange zest sweetened with splenda no calorie.

A great recipe and a great nutritious low calorie snack for cold afternoons with only 105 Kcal.
How does that sound to you? Wanna give it a try?

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There are some 27 million people held in slavery today across the globe.

✳✳ According to 2009 State Department Trafficking in Persons Report over 80% of those trans-nationally trafficked are women and children.

✳✳ The US State department estimates that some 800,000 people are trafficked across international
borders each year and about 80 percent of them are female and at least 50% are children.

✳✳ In 1850 a slave in the Southern United States cost the equivalent of $40,000 today. According to
Free the Slaves, a slave today costs an average of $90.

If you suspect a situation or a potential victim, please call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline at 1-888-3737-888! We highly recommend you take a moment to place this number in your mobile phones now.

Raise Awareness in Ten Steps:

1. Dedicate your Facebook status to the hotline for a week.
2. Put up hotline flyers in Greyhound bus stations.
3. Tell 5 friends to put the hotline number in their cell phones.
4. Hand out information about the hotline at concerts, fairs, and community events.
5. Talk about it. Tell your friends, teachers, teammates, co-workers, and family members about this resource.
6. Invite your friends over to watch a movie on human trafficking and tell them about the hotline.
7. Post the hotline number on your website and/or blog.
8. Put up hotline posters in the windows of local businesses.
9. Ask a teacher, politician, or other local leader to talk about human trafficking and the hotline.
10. Post hotline flyers in motels and hotels in your area.

Resource centers:

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Slavery Free World

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January 2010


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